Trailer Thursdays: Before Midnight
Posted on May 16, 2013 |
Cast : Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy
Director : Richard Linklater
Release Date : May 24th, 2013 (Limited release: NYC, L.A. and Austin)
Synopsis :
We meet Jesse and Celine nine years on in Greece. Almost two decades have
passed since their first meeting on that train bound for Vienna.
I am but a week away (in New York City) from seeing the next chapter in one of my all-time film series.
It’s fair to say that this is my most awaited movie of 2013.
I’m a total romantic at heart.
Films like 1995’s “Before Sunrise” and even more so, 2004’s “Before Sunset,” are the kind of movies that really speak to me.
How they manage to encapsulate on screen the love of two people, in this instance Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) through very thoughtful,
smart conversations (written by Linklater and its 2 stars) and how they go deep into the psyche of these people is something to behold. The only special effect used here is the power of speech.
Every 9 years, we’ve been getting a glimpse into their lives. We witnessed how they first met, then how they re-conneced one fateful day in Paris. Now we will see how they’ve managed to stay together with kids (trailer already spoils it) and if they’re still into each other as they once were, when it all started back in Vienna 18 years ago.
I, for one, cannot wait to see this and hopefully Ethan, Julie, and Richard will
keep making these beautifully crafted films well into their twilight years.
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Tags: Before Midnight > Before Sunrise > Before Sunset > Ethan Hawke > Greece > Julie Delpy > Richard Linklater > Sony Classics > Trailers > Trilogy
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