Pop Montreal 2015: Six To See

Official Website | Facebook | Twitter We’re 2 days away from the fun and excitement that is the 14th edition of Pop Montreal which begins this Wednesday and ends Sunday evening. Why I remember lo these many years ago, attending the very first Pop back in 2002 where yours truly, witnessed the first Interpol show […]

Pop Montreal 2014: Six To See

Official Website | Facebook | Twitter A mere day stands between us and the beginning of the 13th edition of Pop Montreal which will last until this Sunday the 21st. Music loving nerds all over the 514 are getting ready to experience 400+ artists/bands coming down from all over the world to help us usher […]

Pop Montreal 2013: Six To See

Official Website | Facebook | Twitter The 12th edition of this fine festival is a mere 48 hours away and I, Paul, the music blogger you know and trust, will give you the skinny on 6 artists/bands part of this year’s roster that I feel are worth your time and attention. Starting this Wednesday the […]

Pop Montreal 2011: Or How Arcade Fire Took Over My Week

While I missed out on Wednesday’s Metropolis show, I did attend Thursday’s free downtown show @ Place Des Festivals with 100 000+ of their closest friends to celebrate Pop and it’s decade of existence: Then on Saturday, the first annual Pop Vs. Jock Basketball tournament @ McGill University Sports Center. A charity game organized by […]

Pop Montreal 2011: Day 5 Picks ( September 25th )

Official Website | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter Last day. Knees are weak, feet hurting like a bitch from these last 4 days of standing up for hours on end. While you spend the first half of your lazy Sunday sleeping it off, you got all afternoon to do some record shopping @ the 3rd […]

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