New Radiohead Song “Staircase” From July 1st BBC Telecast

A new Radiohead song is a nice little surprise to show up in one’s Twitter feed in the morning. A cast off from “The King Of Limbs” recording sessions and once again on the IDM tip. Rocking out don’t seem to be a priority for them anymore. Regardless, it’s Radiohead and they never disappoint. This […]

Radiohead “The King Of Limbs” Out Today! + New Music Video

Radiohead The King Of Limbs February 18, 2011 Ticker Tape Tracklist: 1. Bloom 2. Morning Mr Magpie 3. Little By Little 4. Feral 5. Lotus Flower 6. Codex 7. Give Up The Ghost 8. Separator Official Website MySpace Facebook Twitter I was already preparing a post to celebrate the release of this new opus for […]

Radiohead Starts Work On New Album. Music Nerds Rejoices.

What music blogs in their right minds would *not* be talking about this today I ask you? Well, let me be music blog #34251 to let you know that yes, Thom Yorke and the boys are back in the studio working on a new album. After the awesomeness that was “In Rainbows” back in 2007 […]