Pop Montreal 2011: Day 5 Picks ( September 25th )

Official Website | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter Last day. Knees are weak, feet hurting like a bitch from these last 4 days of standing up for hours on end. While you spend the first half of your lazy Sunday sleeping it off, you got all afternoon to do some record shopping @ the 3rd […]

Pop Montreal 2011: Day 4 Picks ( September 24th )

Official Website | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter The Vandelles @ Cabaret Du Mile-End / 10:30pm This Brooklyn foursome are the spawn, offspring, progeny of The Jesus And Mary Chain and Danish duo The Raveonettes if they made sweet, messy love to each other. Shoegaze meets Surf Rock, for any lovers of crunchy guitars and […]

Pop Montreal 2011: Day 3 Picks ( September 23rd )

Official Website | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter Tahiti 80 @ La Tulipe / 9pm The forgotten sons of the french indie pop scene where sadly, all the media attention went to Phoenix, Tahiti 80 have soldiered on and have kept churning out quality albums year after year. “The Past, The Present & the Possible” […]

Pop Montreal 2011: Day 2 Picks ( September 22nd )

Official Website | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter Day 2 of Pop Montreal is all about Arcade Fire and what comes after. To celebrate and give a big thank you to this city we all know and love, Pop and the Arcade Fire crew decided to go all out and throw a shinding downtown @ […]

Pop Montreal 2011: Day 1 Picks ( September 21st )

Official Website | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter Pop Montreal is a decade old. I was there at the beginning back in 2002. I have fond memories of seeing those black-clad New Yorkers Interpol playing their first show in our fair city at the now closed Jupiter Room. The place was PACKED. People standing on […]

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