Photos: A Camp @ Club Lambi (05. 31. 2009)

Posted on June 1, 2009 |

A Camp / Gentleman Reg @ La Tulipe ( 05. 31. 2009 )

My picture taking abilities were failing me last night.

Those were the best pix in the bunch. I guess I was more into
watching the show than actually taking photographic evidence of
it happening.

Oh well … I’ll try and do a better job tomorrow night @ Le National
for the Doves show.

As for the show itself … loved it. A great mix of songs from both albums
2001’s self-titled debut and this year’s Colonia with a few covers thrown
in the mix, outstanding musicianship all around from the band and Nina
was as purty as I remembered from the last time I saw her in the flesh
when The Cardigans were opening for Beck 12 years ago.

I did manage to take video footage of a few songs.

Here’s an excerpts from the duet Nina did with opening act Gentleman Reg:

Sadly, I did not catch the title of the cover they performed. If someone
could enlighten me …

An Excerpt from “I Can Buy You”:

And an excerpt from their current single “Stronger Than Jesus”:

Speaking of covers, A Camp will be releasing an EP appropriately titled “Covers”.
It shall be released digitally on iTunes June 9th and other digital sites on June 16th.


1. Us And Them (Pink Floyd Cover)
2. Boys Keep Swinging (David Bowie Cover)
3. I’ve Done It Again (Grace Jones Cover)

Also, check out their YouTube Channel where they’ve kept a video diary of this current tour.

Remaining dates on their North American tour:

June. 03 – Double Door ( Chicago, IL )
June. 04 – Fine Line Music Cafe ( Minneapolis, MN )
June. 05 – Record Bar ( Kansas City, MO )
June. 06 – Bluebird Theater ( Denver, CO )
June. 10 – Richard’s On Richards Cabaret ( Vancouver, BC )
June. 11 – The Crocodile ( Seattle, WA )
June. 12 – Doug Fir ( Portland, OR )
June. 14 – The Independent ( San Francisco, CA )
June. 15 – Troubadour ( Los Angeles, CA )

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