My Year-End Lists Of 2010

2010 will be remembered for me as the year 2 of my favorite bands (Autolux and The Posies) released new albums. I’m sure it’s a shock to absolutely no one that Transit Transit would be #1 on my list. It took awhile to grow on me even though I knew most of the songs before […]

Tron: Legacy : Daft Punk “Derezzed” Music Video

I’ve been waiting 2 years to see this and the IMAX 3-D preview I witnessed 6 weeks ago made me want to see it even more and now that we’re only 8 days away, gotta say I’m über psyched. The Tron: Legacy soundtrack was released this week and Disney, in their infinite wisdom, released a […]

New Tron: Legacy Trailer Feat. Daft Punk Music

It’s pretty well known by now that Daft Punk did their first film scoring work for Tron: Legacy coming out in a theater near you December 17th. The track “Derrezed” is the first composition heard in it’s entirety and is used to score this new kickass trailer. I will be lucky enough to attend an […]

New Tron: Legacy Trailer

Was unveiled today at Comic-Con and it is made of even more pure awesome-ness than the first trailer we got back in March. In this one, you get to see Jeff Bridges working with his younger self circa 1982. Some crazy Hollywood wizardry went into it to achieve this (think Benjamin Button) which you can […]

Tron: Legacy Trailer

How fucking outstanding is this? Seeing this trailer 3D IMAX style last night gave me a HUGE nerd boner. French electro duo Daft Punk wrote the score. I mean how perfect is that? December 17, 2010. Flynn Lives. To refresh your memory: CGI sure has come a long way. Bookmark This :