SXSW 2011: 6 More Day Parties To Attend

Before I hop on a jetplane Austin bound for a weekend of lazying off by the pool, record/dvd shopping and many hours spent @ The Alamo Drafthouse (Oh how I love you so) here’s 6 more SXSW day parties you should … nay … must attend/RSVP to. They all seem like  hootenannies waiting to happen […]

SXSW 2011: Montreal Does SXSW

With all the SXSW 2011 day parties i’ve been sharing with y’all, I would be remiss if I did not mention my hometown’s own little shindings happening on 6th street 2 weeks from now. Our own yearly indie music festival Pop Montreal, which will celebrate it’s 10th year of existence next September, in collab with […]