MVs Collection #139

Sisyphus – “Booty Call” Directed by Jeremy Liesen. Tweens – “Be Mean” Directed by Perry Shall & Eddie Austin. Tashaki Miyaki – “Cool Runnings” Directed by Juan Iglesias. Alexandre Désilets – “Renégat” Directed by Daniel Abraham & Pierre-Alexandre Girard. David Giguère – “La Pornographie” Directed by Laurence BAZ Morais. Bookmark This :


74 mins : 24 secs | 42.5 mb Warm Ghost “Open The Wormhole In Your Heart” ( partisan records ) Uncut Diamond EP [ amazon ] website | myspace | facebook Blood Red Shoes “Cold” ( co-operative music ) In Time To Voices [ amazon ] website | myspace | facebook Whirr “Junebouvier” ( tee […]

MVs Collection #68 ( SXSW 2012 Edition )

I may not be going to South By this year (sniff) but I can let you know what I would’ve checked out if I did. I discovered these 5 picks thanks to the GIANT torrent of SXSW mp3s located right here. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. So many more discoveries were made and […]