MVs Collection #04

Grizzly Bear - “Two Weeks”

The Grizzlies sitting in the front of an empty church, staring big-eyed
and smiling creepily at the camera while slowly being literally filled
with light. Very unsettling but the soothing Beach Boys-esque melody makes
it go down much easier. Directed by Patrick Daughters.
Their current tour stops in Montreal this week (June 4) Playing @ [...]

Radiohead Starts Work On New Album. Music Nerds Rejoices.

What music blogs in their right minds would *not* be talking about this
today I ask you?
Well, let me be music blog #34251 to let you know that yes, Thom Yorke
and the boys are back in the studio working on a new album.
After the awesomeness that was “In Rainbows” back in 2007 and all the
hoopla that [...]

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