Pop Montreal 2010: The Videos

Still recuperating from last week’s 5-night marathon of shows, which luckily (depending on the night) I will get to experience all over again in 2 weeks time for the 2010 CMJ Music Marathon in The Big Apple. As a famous L.A. movie cop once said: “I’m gettin’ too old for this shit”. The highlight of […]

Pop Montreal 2010: Day 5 Picks

This is the end my friends. You’ll have the rest of the week to sleep it off but tonite is Shoegaze night @ Pop Montreal. All have come through our fair city in the last year and all have new, excellent albums to perform before us all. The Depreciation Guild @ Casa Del Popolo / […]

Pop Montreal 2010: Day 4 Picks

This weekend is all about seeing bands until you can’t stand on your own two feet no more. Also, the sweet sweet Puce Pop Record Fair going down in the Ukrainian Federation‘s basement. For sale: a boatload of CDs, Vinyls and other music paraphernalia. Today & Sunday from 11am / 6pm. — > 5213 Hutchison. […]

Pop Montreal 2010: Day 3 Picks

Rain and grey skies once again on today’s menu but do not fret fellow festival goers, the sun shall return in kind this weekend. Timber Timbre @ Ukrainian Federation / 10pm [ ms ] The show to see this evening is without a doubt Timber Timbre @ the Ukrainian Federation. The trio led by Taylor […]

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